
NEEM: Thank you for joining us, Jauna.

JUANA: Neem, save the pleasantries for later.

NEEM: Of course.

BEEVE: Now, now… I think that’s quite rude to our host, Janna.

JUANA: [cutting Beeve off] Don’t you have an orphan to put to work?

NEEM: Jauna, please, I don’t want there to be a fight. The press will want an answer and we need to give them one.

JUANA: Fine..

BEEVE: Yes, I shall refrain from ripping this crass senator apart then, Neem. [under his breath] How you ever got elected as vice is a mystery…

NEEM: Good. So I’m sure you’ve both heard that the empire has considered us to be a S class planet. And I think it could be worth something to consider?

BEEVE: Yes. I think it would be a great idea. We could all live in harmony! Picture that: no crime. No war. No corruption. A paradise, some would say. I know I would.

JUANA: Okay, and I’m guessing you’re willing to kick your entire family off the planet? In case you forgot - there are over two trillion people on this rock! Maybe those years in that fancy office with more windows than walls has made you forget?

BEEVE: No, I most certainly have not forgotten. I simply think that a society with no more flaws would be nice to have. Unless you like having death be the norm?

JUANA: Not death, Beeve, choice is what you’re trying to kill. So who gets to stay, huh? And who’s kicked out to another planet, far away from home?

BEEVE: Now hold on… I refuse to argue from a philosophy perspective. And please do avoid the emotional appeal.

JUANA: Fine. Then what are you arguing from? Economics?

BEEVE: No, for the greater good of our people. As vice president, of course, you’re sure to agree with that, aren’t you?

JUANA: The greater good. Right. Mister I’ve never worked a job that wasn’t from my daddy. Sure.

JUANA: You know, that brings up a good question. Why is he here, Neem? I didn’t know the minister of labor gets to dictate to you on tough calls like this? Read policy, sure. Make suggestions, sure. Dictate…?

NEEM: I simply wanted to have an ally with me, and this isn’t where I see our decision coming to a conclusion. I just want to make sure that you don’t go against the party line, and feed the media sharks. [warmly] You know I do like how your honesty endears you to the people, but this is something where we cannot be honest.

JUANA: So you’re asking me to shut up?

NEEM: No, just that you play nice with everyone else.

JUANA: ‘Play nice’? You’re talking about ‘evacuating’ ninety-nine percent of the planet within the next three years! Multiple trillions of people! How am I supposed to be civil hearing that? When not a single person who might be evacuated voted for this?! Our people are going to die out there in the black! Neem, please. You’re from the slums. Your story is inspirational to so many kids. Don’t take their world from them.

BEEVE: Let me take this one, Neem. [condescending] So we’re not asking for you to not have your opinions. We’re asking that you don’t feed the media with nonunity speak.

JUANA: [bitter] ‘Non unity speak’. Okay then. I imagine in the purpose of being fair, this decision will be a vote for every country?

NEEM: Well…

JUANA: Neem, what? Please tell me you’re going to have a vote?

NEEM: Well, listen, the empire said they could fast track us if we decided within the week. And…

[beat of silence, Neem breathing audibly, steadily]

NEEM: We’re saying, I’m saying, that it could be a good thing, Jauna. Planets with Mother improve in all sectors. And child mortality goes down to zero. Which if you think about it, that’s your life’s work, Jauna. Your life’s work, done.

JUANA: [bitterly] Done? Oh, yeah, sure. Child mortality on Vern is zero. That’s because you killed everyone else off. I don’t want child mortality to hit zero because they didn’t die, they were ‘evacuated’. If that’s what you’re actually thinking, you’re not the person I thought you were, Neem. You want to live in Mother’s embrace? Where everything is decided for you? Where only Mother gets to decide who has children, based on some arcane criteria? You - can you imagine if you told Mother you were ready to have Sayeet, and Mother said no? And you missed Sayeet walking because you were working! You missed her talking for the first time. This is wrong in so many ways.

BEEVE: Oh, come on! You scoff at it but Mother will take us to a place of greatness! It’ll be utopia. We could be so much more.

JUANA: I haven’t heard a single word of reason from you. If I’m being honest the only reason you’re here is because Neem likes having yes men.

BEEVE: [choking, outraged]

JUANA: [slow, deep breath] It sounds to me, that this ‘meeting’ is a way to tell me to step out of the way. Clearly, your minds are made up. I’m just asking you - do you wish to silence me via some kind of scandal, or maybe even use me as a scapegoat?

NEEM: [warmly, but still condescending] Jauna, you’re talking crazy. We just want to make sure we’re all on the same page here.

BEEVE: As rude as you are, Jauna, I know we have our differences but we simply wanted to make sure we’re all on the same side.

JUANA: And since I’m not?

NEEM: Then, if we could be civil about this, that would be much appreciated. Just for my sake and our dear country’s sake don’t go to the newsies, yeah?

JUANA: [deep breaths, panting] So in the coming future when the empire is ready to move people off the planet? Scattered across the known galaxy? What will you do then? I hope the named ones are ready, because I’m not leaving this city and I know for a fact most other people will not leave, either. This is our home, Neem. We’ve been here for two hundred generations.

BEEVE: As slumdogs.

BEEVE: [Condescending] Just listen, Jauna my dear. It’s quite simple. Economic benefits, or land promises elsewhere. I’m sure that most people will leave the planet if we throw enough money at them.

JUANA: Stop thinking about the money for one second! You’re asking to take away our culture, our arts, our history, the home of our people. How about their choice to die? Living forever - it’s not fun, Beeve. On top of that you want to kick out untold amounts of people for this dream? Do you hear yourself?

BEEVE: And you want people to starve! To die! Like that’s their choice? You want to allow untold suffering?! For choice? What’s wrong with you? We can cure death and hurt. Untold amounts people tried to achieve with religion, government, drugs, everything! We found something that does that! Not promises, does! Maybe we should kick you out? It’s my choice, after all.

JUANA: [witheringly] You don’t have the ability, Beeve. You’re just a useless yes man figure with no real world experience. Don’t pretend like you’re this great hero. I’m sure you and your little clan are getting guaranteed spots on this immortal life train? It doesn’t matter if trillions will be displaced as long as you are happy?

JUANA: Because who gets to go on this immortal thing? Is it the person working two jobs with no free time left to spend with their kids? The person that works until their muscles shake in the farms making pennies after your tax, Beeve? Or maybe the drug addict that after immense willpower, gets a new start on life?

JUANA: No. It’s empire bootlickers that can pay for their ticket up front. Weasels like yourself, willing to do what it takes to keep power, no matter the consequences!

NEEM: [defeated] Jauna, calm down.

JUANA: No, what about you Neem? I thought you were a man of the people, if anything this should disgust you. An environment of elitism where people like us get swept under the rug? This is what you fought for? I thought you were about maintaining a world where everyone has a fair life? The same opportunities that you got?

NEEM: And becoming an S class planet will achieve that goal. This is something I’d wish you could see. Yes it will hurt a lot of our own but being under Mother, being an S class planet in the Empire, it would be heaven.

JUANA: Okay then Neem, I understand. You’ve lost your way. There’s nothing more for me to say that could change your mind. I’m leaving. I hope you come to your senses. I’m not going to go to the news stations. I’m not going to cause a panic that will leave Beeve having to do some work for the first time in his cushy little life, as hilarious as it would be to see that.

JUANA: But I hope that you know this transition isn’t going to go as easy as you seem to think it will. I wish you the best, for the person you used to be. You’ve lost your way, and you’ve lost sight of your position.. I’m so sorry, Neem. Goodbye.