The Gorek - Secle War: Slum House


ELI: You’re going through too many coats,

ANAN: With what we’re making I’m not worried about it.

ELI: I’m just saying.

ANAN: Got a lot to say,

ELI: Shut up,

ANAN: Fine, how about we get to work then?

ELI: More of a performance I’d say,

ANAN: Always liked theater myself,

NARRATOR: Anan and Eli stepped out of the carriage. Anan dug into his pouch giving the coach man a big tip. With a wave Eli went down the alleyway, while Anan went inside the casino. Inside it was filled with smoke. Gamblers in nice suits could be seen casually betting untold amounts of fortunes. Servers sneaking fresh drinks and cigars without breaking the conversation.

DOORMAN: Welcome to the Slone family casino. Please turn in any weapons on your person as we want everyone to feel safe and enjoy their time here tonight.

NARRATOR: Anan noticed his ears were scarred and crushed to his skull. He had no doubt this door man had a violent past he wasn’t afraid to use.

ANAN: Of course, you boxed by chance?

DOORMAN: Yeah, twelve years.

ANAN: Ever go pro?

DOORMAN: Afraid not.

ANAN: Ah, not in the cards I guess?

DOORMAN: Nope, you can put your weapons in the bin here,

NARRATOR: The door man’s neck now showing a vein.

ANAN: Not a big question guy huh?

DOORMAN: Not by guys like you.

NARRATOR: Anan dumped a boot knife and two guns from his chest holster into the bin. Turning his coat pockets inside out he was cleared to enter the casino.

ANAN: Thanks for the warm greeting mate.

DOORMAN: Always a pleasure.

NARRATOR: Anan walked through the casino with a direction in mind. Enjoying the red and black rug endlessly meshing. A band played in the background, Anan tried to focus on the music but the smoke was too distracting. Quickly he found who was looking to begin his play with.

ANAN: Mind if I sit here?


NARRATOR: Anan sat, silently being dealt cards.

ANAN: Nice shoes,

BUSINESSMAN: Cow leather, my girl got it for me.

ANAN: And what does a man like you do where his lady can afford to buy him leather shoes?

BUSINESSMAN: Guns, guns, and even more guns.

ANAN: Oh a patriot I see, how about I get you a drink since you’re serving these great lands.

BUSINESSMAN: Hey I’ll never say no to a free drink,

NARRATOR: Anan waved over a waiter, it didn’t take long since they were trained to respond quickly. The waiter pointed to the drink menu.

ANAN: I’ll take red 42 for my friend here. And I’ll take a water with lemon.

NARRATOR: The waiter nodded, walking away quickly.

ANAN: I’m not too keen on the silent gimmick,

BUSINESSMAN: That’s because you grew up poor,

ANAN: Ha, how did you know?

BUSINESSMAN: You never got served. Half of these rich guys had servants from the start, silent service is expected.

ANAN: Never thought of it like that. A real servant of the people.

BUSINESSMAN: Whoa I never said that! I like the money myself. Spent enough time being poor, got all the character I need from it.

NARRATOR: The waiter set down the drinks. Anan slipped him a big tip making sure to look him in the eye.

ANAN: Cheers to character!

[sfx. clinking of glasses]

BUSINESSMAN: So what’s your line of work?

ANAN: Tile, tile, and even more tile,

BUSINESSMAN: Ah, I heard there’s good money in the business.

ANAN: Not as much as guns but it’s an honest living.

BUSINESSMAN: Same clients I would bet,

ANAN: I would think so. Need to do something with all that cash.

BUSINESSMAN: So, why the water?

ANAN: Don’t drink, never have.

BUSINESSMAN: I don’t believe you.

ANAN: Smoking has been my only curse, I felt adding drinking to the list would only make it worse.

BUSINESSMAN: Not so bad, not as bad as lying to strangers,

ANAN: Now you got me interested, what makes me a liar.

BUSINESSMAN: I’ve been around guys like you, real contractor types. You sit down, don’t drink, don’t gamble, don’t touch a cigarette. Looking around every thirty seconds, and most importantly you didn’t give me your name.

ANAN: Andy,

BUSINESSMAN: Haha that’s a good one. It’s a skill to lie. So tell me who are you staking out.

ANAN: Who do you think?

BUSINESSMAN: Some scumbag probably does something you see as evil. I’d clock the guy behind me. A mean face and pair of shiny leather boots. Honest men aren’t rich and have that mean of a face.

ANAN: Well, can’t say you got me clocked. How about I give you my business card though and maybe you can use some new tile?

BUSINESSMAN: Sure, in this line of work I always need tile done,

NARRATOR: Anan handed the business man his card, it was shiny and red with a smiley face as the logo. Looking up he waved to what seemed like no one.

ANAN: Have a good night friend, don’t be afraid to give me a call,


NARRATOR: Walking out, Anan tipped the door man a penny. Waiting outside a gun shot could be heard from inside the building. Gamblers began running out screaming. The business man with nice boots laid dead at the table. Anan taking the moment slipped into the alley way meeting back up with Eli.

ELI: Your sick man, I don’t know how you talk to these marks for that long,

ANAN: I know,

ELI: Well rooftop sniping makes me hungry, let’s go hit the diner before cops fill it.

ANAN: Sure after I smoke,

ELI: Smoke on the way.

ANAN: No, then I smoke the pack. My sponsor said intention is how you beat addiction.

ELI: Fine, one. Be quick okay?

ANAN: Quick as I can.

ELI: It’s not smart to stick around completed contracts.

ANAN: Cops won’t get here for another twenty minutes. Places like this don’t like having the patrol cars nearby. Ruins the allure, besides our Gorek friends have ways to help if it gets hot.

ELI: Doesn’t matter when I’m the one that gets hung? You’re just an accomplice, I’m the traitor.

ANAN: Worth the cigarette,


NARRATOR: Eli and Anan turned their heads. The door man was running towards them with a shotgun.

DOORMAN: Put your hands up!

NARRATOR: Eli and Anan followed his instruction. The door man reached them, panting a little bit.

DOORMAN: Keep those hands up!

ANAN: You’re the boss,

DOORMAN: Shut up, cops are gonna get here soon. Toss your guns to the ground.

NARRATOR: Eli and Anan did so, tossing the bag along with the holstered guns on the ground. Eli still puffing on his cigarette as it loosely dangles from his lips.

ANAN: Hey! You’re the guy that flunked boxing,

DOORMAN: Shut up!

ANAN: I’m just saying, a guy gets beat down for twelve years, you remember.

ELI: Hey! Anan just let the man be. He’s already failed enough

DOORMAN: I said shut up!

ANAN: Look man, no ones mocking you. We just want to know how such a rising star is making pennies shaking down much more fortunate, maybe smarter men?

DOORMAN: Alright then! Give me the cigarette!

ANAN: Hey man, let me have this. Could be the only thing I have for a long time.

DOORMAN: Just give it.

ANAN: You have a bad temper man, tell me again why boxing didn’t work out?

NARRATOR: The door man kept his gun on Eli while going to slap the cigarette out of Anan’s mouth.

DOORMAN: You had your ch- AHH!

NARRATOR: Anan spitt the lit cigarette into the door man’s eye, quickly he kicked the shotgun out of his hand. With his other hand he slipped his compact gun into the door man’s chest. The door man crumpled. Eli took the gun from the ground, kicking the door man several times.

ELI: Don’t! [sfx. kick] Play! [sfx. kick] Hero!

NARRATOR: Anan picked up his cigarette.

ANAN: Little much?

NARRATOR: Eli made a disgusted face.

ANAN: I only get one a day,

ELI: Junkie, just grab the bag. Check your coat out.

NARRATOR: Eli looked down to see three little holes in it.

ANAN: Don’t say anything,

ELI: Don’t have to.

NARRATOR: The men picked up the rifle bag. Walking down the alley way they made their way to a decent cafe, one without smoking.