Darson One launch Tapes: Sorna

NARRATOR: In 2041 the human race launched itself into the stars. This joint effort from China and America has led to thousands of space colonies to be born far from home, to many these days Earth is just another planet. In that year future founders of the stars were interviewed the day of that historic launch with one question. In one thousand years what do you want humanity to remember about you? Today we are proud to show you these relics of history, brought to you by Spacer Times.

INTERVIEWER: Ma’am! Ma’am! One question one question!

SORNA: What do you want?

INTERVIEWER: One question ma’am before you board.

SORNA: Quick kid, quick.

INTERVIEWER: In one thousand years what do you want the people of the stars to know?

SORNA: (Scoff) Don’t ever gamble. Not with your money anyway. Safe bets make secure futures.You get a big talker saying he knows a risky option that will make you riches? Liar, do not trust them. Hookers, war, and drugs that’s what you put your money in. Ten thousand years from now we’re gonna have drugged up hookers with guns, there’s your answer kid.

INTERVIEWER: Oh, um, thank you?

NARRATOR: Sorna Earthskind’s was an assistant doctor on Mars base one. She died in 2099 from a blown fuse in a cargo ship. Her conscience’s snapshot can still be interacted with at the Mars museum of Earth.