Darson One launch Tapes: Simon

NARRATOR: In 2041 the human race launched itself into the stars. This joint effort from China and America has led to thousands of space colonies to be born far from home, to many these days Earth is just another planet. In that year future founders of the stars were interviewed the day of that historic launch with one question. In one thousand years what do you want humanity to remember about you? Today we are proud to show you these relics of history, brought to you by Spacer Times.

INTERVIEWER: Simon! Do you have time for one question?

SIMON: You allowed to be here?

INTERVIEWER: I don’t have a pass sir b-but I’m a citizen of earth, that should be enough.

SIMON: Fair enough, what’s the question?

INTERVIEWER: In one thousand years w-w-what do you want the citizens of space to know?

SIMON: Well that’s a great question. This trip has provided the world and the human race as a whole a restart. Worlds and worlds without the history of human tragedy. An Eden untouched by our depravity. We fulfilled the great mandate, “go to the ends of the Earth my disciples”, and when the Earth was promptly and amazingly blessed we went to the stars. We shall go to the end of the galaxies, thank God.

NARRATOR: Simon Earthskind’s original church still stands on Mars. The many denominations that spawned from his church celebrate him on the day of his death on March 19th 2076. He fulfilled his promise when the church of christ was planted last year on planet Ochho 19.