Darson One launch Tapes: Danya

NARRATOR: In 2041 the human race launched itself into the stars. This joint effort from China and America has led to thousands of space colonies to be born far from home, to many these days Earth is just another planet. In that year future founders of the stars were interviewed the day of that historic launch with one question. In one thousand years, what do you want humanity to remember about you? Today we are proud to show you these relics of history, brought to you by Spacer Times.

INTERVIEWER: Ms.Danya I’m an interviewer from Spacer Times. I know how many questions your going to be asked today. So I’m gonna ask you just one if you don’t mind.

DANYA: Just one?

INTERVIEWER: Yes ma’am. Would that be okay?

DANYA: Yeah! Go ahead.

INTERVIEWER: One thousand years from now what do you want the children of space to know about you, about this world?

DANYA: Oh wow! Uh, well, I want them to know we were kind to one another. I know the history books, if they go back that far, they’re wrong. The world wasn’t made from the pain it was made from the joy. World war three was time of kindness for me, I don’t think of the Russian troop formations or the nuking of France at that time. I think of my mom fishing with me. I think of the cold winters when we would snuggle with hot chocolate. I think of the smiling faces on the days of peace! The smiling faces every year when we gift our neighbors tasty peace day cakes. Don’t let your cynicism ruin how you see your universe. I’m sorry I have to go now, I hope that was good enough for you.

NARRATOR: Danya Earthskind’s ended up becoming the head farmer on Mars base. She died in 2062 happy and surrounded by her clones. She was buried in the garden she spent the later years of her life serving, second only to her fellow colonist.